【CF】[Warrior] Dawnblade [LGS004] (Promo) Cold Foil…
[Warrior] Ironsong Response (red) [LGS008] (Promo)
【RF】[Warrior] Ironsong Response (red) [LGS029] (Pr…
【RF】[Warrior] Ironsong Response (yellow) [LGS030] …
【RF】[Warrior] Ironsong Response (blue) [LGS031] (P…
【CF】[Warrior] Hatchet of Body [LGS049] (Promo) Col…
【CF】[Warrior] Hatchet of Mind [LGS050] (Promo) Col…
【RF】[Warrior] Dusk Path Pilgrimage (red) [LGS060] …
【RF】[Warrior] Dusk Path Pilgrimage (yellow) [LGS06…
【RF】[Warrior] Dusk Path Pilgrimage (blue) [LGS062]…
【RF】[Warrior] Run Through [LGS102] (Promo) Rainbow…
【CF】[Warrior] Quicksilver Dagger [LGS112] (Promo) …
【RF】[Warrior] Hala Goldenhelm [LGS144] (Promo) Rai…
【RF】[Warrior] En Garde [LGS148] (Promo) Rainbow Fo…
【RF】[Wizard] Hold Focus [LGS318] (Promo) Rainbow F…
【RF】[Wizard] Ink-lined Cloak [LGS319] (Promo) Rain…
【RF】[Wizard] Sigil of Forethought (Extended Art) […
【RF】[Wizard] Sigil of Temporal Manipulation (Exten…
【CF】[Warrior] Dorinthea Ironsong [HER004] (Promo) …
【RF】[Warrior] Dorinthea [HER008] (Promo) Rainbow F…
【RF】[Warrior] Dorinthea Ironsong [HER024] (Promo) …
【CF】[Warrior] Kassai, Cintari Sellsword [HER029] (…
【CF】[Warrior] Dorinthea [HER057] (Promo) Cold Foil
【RF】[Wizard] Blaze, Firemind [HER117] (Promo) Rain…
【CF】[Wizard] Blaze, Firemind [HER118] (Promo) Cold…
【RF】[Warrior] Minerva Themis [FAB044] (Promo) Rain…
【RF】[Warrior] In the Swing [FAB057] (Promo) Rainbo…
【CF】[Warrior] Jubeel, Spellbane [FAB137] (Promo) C…
【RF】[Wizard] Glyph Overlay (Alternate Art) (red) […