[Fire] Spirit of Fire [ALC001-C]
[Water] Spirit of Water [ALC002-C]
[Wind] Spirit of Wind [ALC003-C]
[Norm] Arisanna, Herbalist Prodigy [ALC004-C]
[Norm] Arisanna, Master Alchemist [ALC005-C]
[Astra] Arisanna, Astral Zenith [ALC006-C]
[Astra] Arisanna, Lucent Arbiter [ALC007-C]
[Norm] Diana, Keen Huntress [ALC008-C]
[Norm] Diana, Deadly Duelist [ALC009-C]
[Umbra] Diana, Cursebreaker [ALC010-C]
[Umbra] Diana, Duskstalker [ALC011-C]
[Norm] Tonoris, Lone Mercenary [ALC012-C]
[Norm] Tonoris, Might of Humanity [ALC013-C]
[Neos] Tonoris, Creation's Will [ALC014-C]
[Neos] Tonoris, Genesis Aegis [ALC015-C]
[Fire] Polkhawk, Bombastic Shot [ALC016-U]
[Water] Nico, Whiplash Allure [ALC017-U]
[Wind] Vanitas, Obliviate Schemer [ALC018-U]
[Wind] Vanitas, Convergent Ruin [ALC019-U]
[Norm] Alchemist's Kit [ALC020-R]
[Norm] Alliance Gearshield [ALC021-R]
[Norm] Fatal Timepiece [ALC022-R]
[Norm] Navigation Compass [ALC023-R]
[Norm] Orb of Hubris [ALC024-SR]
[Norm] Resplendent Kite Shield [ALC025-R]
[Norm] Rusted Warshield [ALC026-R]
[Norm] Seeker's Rifle [ALC027-R]
[Norm] Synthetic Core [ALC028-R]
[Norm] Temporal Spectrometer [ALC029-UR]
[Norm] Wayfinder's Map [ALC030-R]
[Fire] Bombard Flarecannon [ALC031-SR]
[Fire] Forgelight Scepter [ALC032-SR]
[Fire] Heatwave Generator [ALC033-R]
[Water] Cascading Round [ALC034-R]
[Water] Crystalline Mirror [ALC035-R]
[Water] Magebane Lash [ALC036-UR]
[Wind] Brewing Kit [ALC037-SR]
[Wind] Turbulent Bullet [ALC038-R]
[Astra] The Elysian Astrolabe [ALC039-UR]
[Umbra] Gloamspire Lance [ALC040-UR]
[Norm] Academy Attendant [ALC041-C]
[Norm] Academy Guide [ALC042-SR]
[Norm] Allied Warpriestess [ALC043-U]
[Norm] Automaton Drone [ALC044-C]
[Norm] Barter Herbs [ALC045-C]
[Norm] Blightroot [ALC046-C]
[Norm] Caretaker Drone [ALC047-C]
[Norm] Deploy Gunshield [ALC048-U]
[Norm] Distilled Atrophy [ALC049-R]
[Norm] Dusklight Communion [ALC050-SR]
[Norm] Empowering Prayer [ALC051-C]
[Norm] Empowering Tincture [ALC052-C]
[Norm] Escape the Wreckage [ALC053-C]
[Norm] Exalted Dorumegian Throne [ALC054-R]
[Norm] Exorcise Curses [ALC055-C]
[Norm] Fraysia [ALC056-C]
[Norm] Freydis, Master Tactician [ALC057-SR]
[Norm] Harvest Herbs [ALC058-C]
[Norm] Healing Aura [ALC059-C]
[Norm] Into the Fray [ALC060-C]