[Mechanologist] Proto Base Head [TCC003-C]
[Mechanologist] Proto Base Chest [TCC004-C]
[Mechanologist] Proto Base Arms [TCC005-C]
[Mechanologist] Proto Base Legs [TCC006-C]
[Mechanologist] Evo Tekloscope [TCC007-R]
[Mechanologist] Evo Energy Matrix [TCC008-R]
[Mechanologist] Evo Scatter Shot [TCC009-R]
[Mechanologist] Evo Rapid Fire [TCC010-R]
[Mechanologist] Apocalypse Automation [TCC011-M]
[Mechanologist] Liquid-Cooled Mayhem (red) [TCC012…
[Mechanologist] Mechanical Strength (red) [TCC013-…
[Mechanologist] Over Loop (red) [TCC014-C]
[Mechanologist] Throttle (red) [TCC015-C]
[Mechanologist] Under Loop (red) [TCC016-C]
[Mechanologist] Zero to Sixty (red) [TCC017-C]
[Mechanologist] Zipper Hit (red) [TCC018-C]
[Mechanologist] Firewall (red) [TCC019-R]
[Mechanologist] Throttle (yellow) [TCC020-C]
[Mechanologist] Zipper Hit (yellow) [TCC021-C]
[Mechanologist] Firewall (yellow) [TCC022-R]
[Mechanologist] Liquid-Cooled Mayhem (blue) [TCC02…
[Mechanologist] Mechanical Strength (blue) [TCC024…
[Mechanologist] Throttle (blue) [TCC025-C]
[Mechanologist] Firewall (blue) [TCC026-R]
[Guardian] Bastion of Duty [TCC029-R]
[Guardian] Civic Peak [TCC030-R]
[Guardian] Civic Duty [TCC031-R]
[Guardian] Civic Guide [TCC032-R]
[Guardian] Civic Steps [TCC033-R]
[Guardian] Colossal Bearing (red) [TCC034-R]
[Guardian] Lay Down the Law (red) [TCC035-R]
[Guardian] Smack of Reality (red) [TCC036-R]
[Guardian] Crash Down (red) [TCC037-C]
[Guardian] Earthlore Empowerment (red) [TCC038-C]
[Guardian] Boulder Drop (yellow) [TCC039-R]
[Guardian] Chokeslam (yellow) [TCC040-C]
[Guardian] Disable (yellow) [TCC041-C]
[Guardian] Crash Down (yellow) [TCC042-C]
[Guardian] Earthlore Empowerment (yellow) [TCC043-…
[Guardian] Boulder Drop (blue) [TCC044-R]
[Guardian] Chokeslam (blue) [TCC045-C]
[Guardian] Cranial Crush (blue) [TCC046-M]
[Guardian] Disable (blue) [TCC047-R]
[Guardian] Chivalry (blue) [TCC048-C]
[Bard] Nom de Plume [TCC051-R]
[Bard] Heart-throb [TCC052-R]
[Bard] Fiddle-dee [TCC053-R]
[Bard] Quickstep [TCC054-R]
[Generic] Coax a Commotion [TCC055-M]
[Generic] Life of the Party [TCC056-R]
[Bard] Final Act [TCC057-M]
[Bard] Interlude [TCC058-C]
[Generic] Sigil of Solace [TCC059-R]
[Bard] Crowd Control [TCC060-C]
[Bard] Encore [TCC061-R]
[Bard] Interlude [TCC062-C]
[Bard] Crowd Control [TCC063-C]
[Bard] Song of Jack-be-Quick [TCC064-C]
[Bard] Song of Sweet Nectar [TCC065-C]
[Bard] Song of the Rosen Matador [TCC066-C]