【CF】[Light] Light of Sol [DTD000-F] Cold Foil
【CF】[Light Illusionist] Empyrean Rapture (Extended…
【CF】[Light Illusionist] Figment of Erudition // Su…
【CF】[Light Illusionist] Figment of Judgment // The…
【CF】[Light Illusionist] Figment of Protection // A…
【CF】[Light Illusionist] Figment of Ravages // Seke…
【CF】[Light Illusionist] Figment of Rebirth // Aval…
【CF】[Light Illusionist] Figment of Tenacity // Met…
【CF】[Light Illusionist] Figment of Triumph // Vict…
【CF】[Light Illusionist] Figment of War // Bellona,…
【CF】[Light Warrior] Soulbond Resolve [DTD047-L] Co…
【CF】[Light] Radiant View [DTD075-C] Cold Foil
【CF】[Light] Radiant Raiment [DTD076-C] Cold Foil
【CF】[Light] Radiant Touch [DTD077-C] Cold Foil
【CF】[Light] Radiant Flow [DTD078-C] Cold Foil
【CF】[Shadow Brute] Spoiled Skull (Extended Art) [D…
【CF】[Shadow Runeblade] Grimoire of the Haunt [DTD1…
【CF】[Shadow] Levia, Redeemed // Blasmophet, Levia …
【CF】[Shadow] Shroud of Darkness [DTD165-C] Cold Fo…
【CF】[Shadow] Cloak of Darkness [DTD166-C] Cold Foi…
【CF】[Shadow] Grasp of Darkness [DTD167-C] Cold Foi…
【CF】[Shadow] Dance of Darkness [DTD168-C] Cold Foi…
【CF】[Shadow] Nasreth, the Soul Harrower [DTD193-Ma…
【CF】[Brute] Rugged Roller [DTD199-R] Cold Foil
【CF】[Brute] Scowling Flesh Bag [DTD200-L] Cold Foi…
【CF】[Warrior] Decimator Great Axe [DTD205-R] Cold …
【CF】[Warrior] Bastion of Unity [DTD206-M] Cold Foi…
【CF】[Warrior] Ironsong Versus [DTD207-L] Cold Foil
【CF】[Runeblade] Scepter of Pain [DTD210-R] Cold Fo…
【CF】[Runeblade] Dyadic Carapace (Extended Art) [DT…
【CF】[Illusionist] Reality Refractor [DTD216-R] Col…
【CF】[Illusionist] Diadem of Dreamstate [DTD217-L] …
【CF】[Generic] Frontline Helm [DTD222-R] Cold Foil
【CF】[Generic] Frontline Plating [DTD223-R] Cold Fo…
【CF】[Generic] Frontline Gauntlets [DTD224-R] Cold …
【CF】[Generic] Frontline Legs [DTD225-R] Cold Foil