【GF】[Guardian] Tectonic Plating [FAB004] Gold Foil…
【GF】[Ninja] Mask of Momentum [FAB005] Gold Foil《クー…
【GF】[Mechanologist] Teklo Foundry Heart [FAB008] G…
【GF】[Ranger] Skullbone Crosswrap [FAB009] Gold Foi…
【GF】[Runeblade] Grasp of the Arknight [FAB010] Gol…
【GF】[Wizard] Storm Striders [FAB011] Gold Foil《クーポ…
【GF】[Shadow] Carrion Husk [FAB018] Gold Foil《クーポン使…
【GF】[Illusionist] Phantasmal Footsteps [FAB019] Go…
【GF】[Warrior] Valiant Dynamo [FAB020] Gold Foil《クー…
【GF】[Ranger] New Horizon [FAB050] Gold Foil《クーポン使用…
【GF】[Runeblade] Spellbound Creepers [FAB051] Gold …
【GF】[Ice] Heart of Ice [FAB053] Gold Foil《クーポン使用不可…
【GF】[Generic] Anothos [FAB061] Gold Foil《クーポン使用不可》
【GF】[Generic] Snapdragon Scalers [FAB065] Gold Foi…
【GF】[Generic] Talismanic Lens [FAB066] Gold Foil《ク…
【GF】[Generic] Mage Master Boots [FAB067] Gold Foil…
【GF】[Generic] Nullrune Hood [FAB068] Gold Foil《クーポ…
【GF】[Generic] Nullrune Robe [FAB069] Gold Foil《クーポ…
【GF】[Generic] Nullrune Boots [FAB071] Gold Foil《クー…
【GF】[Shadow] Ebon Fold [FAB072] Gold Foil《クーポン使用不可…
【GF】[Elemental Ranger] Voltaire, Strike Twice [FAB…
【GF】[Ice Guardian] Stalagmite, Bastion of Isenloft…
【GF】[Runeblade] Vexing Quillhand [FAB080] Gold Foi…
【GF】[Wizard] Crucible of Aetherweave [FAB097] Gold…
【GF】[Illusionist] Iris of Reality [FAB098] Gold Fo…
【GF】[Mechanologist] Achilles Accelerator [FAB101] …
【GF】[Ranger] Bull's Eye Bracers [FAB102] Gold Foil…
【GF】[Warrior] Gallantry Gold [FAB104] Gold Foil《クー…
【GF】[Wizard] Metacarpus Node [FAB108] Gold Foil《ク…
【GF】[Light Illusionist] Luminaris [FAB109] Gold Fo…
【GF】[Generic] Crown of Dominion [FAB111] Gold Foil…
【GF】[Assassin] Redback Shroud [FAB123] Gold Foil《ク…
【GF】[Assassin Ninja] Flick Knives [FAB124] Gold Fo…
【GF】[Ranger] Trench of Sunken Treasure [FAB125] Go…
【GF】[Ranger] Quiver of Abyssal Depths [FAB126] Gol…
【GF】[Brute] Scowling Flesh Bag [FAB140] Gold Foil《…
【GF】[Warrior] Ironsong Versus [FAB141] Gold Foil《ク…
【GF】[Runeblade] Dyadic Carapace [FAB142] Gold Foil…
【GF】[Mechanologist] Teklo Plasma Pistol [FAB144] G…
【GF】[Light Warrior] Raydn, Duskbane [FAB145] Gold …
【GF】[Runeblade] Aether Ironweave [FAB149] Gold Foi…
【GF】[Generic] Ironhide Gauntlet [FAB150] Gold Foil…
【GF】[Mechanologist] Hyper-X3 [FAB170] Gold Foil《クー…
【GF】[Light Warrior] Warband of Bellona [FAB171] Go…
【GF】[Generic] Balance of Justice [FAB183] Gold Foi…
【GF】[Shadow Brute] Hexagore, the Death Hydra [FAB1…
【GF】[Generic] Ragamuffin's Hat [FAB187-P] Gold Foi…