【JP】[Guardian] 羊頭の堅盾/Rampart of the Ram's Head [GA…
【JP】[Guardian] ヴァラハイの威厳/Grandeur of Valahai [GAP00…
【JP】[Elemental Guardian] ショーの花形、ブラーボ/Bravo, Star o…
【JP】[Elemental Guardian] 悠久の祖、オールディム/Oldhim, Grand…
【JP】[Elemental Guardian] オールディム/Oldhim [GAP003-C]
【JP】[Elemental Guardian] 冬の哀哭/Winter's Wail [GAP00…
【JP】[Elemental Guardian] アイゼンロフトの要塞、石筍/Stalagmite,…
【JP】[Elemental Guardian] 終わりなき冬/Endless Winter [GA…
【JP】[Elemental Guardian] 堅牢な老兵/Oaken Old [GAP007-M…
【JP】[Elemental Guardian] 覚醒/Awakening [GAP008-M]
【JP】[Elemental Guardian] 突き刺す強風/Biting Gale (red) …
【JP】[Elemental Guardian] 樹木化/Turn Timber (red) [GA…
【JP】[Elemental Guardian] 樹木化/Turn Timber (yellow) …
【JP】[Elemental Guardian] 樹木化/Turn Timber (blue) [G…
【JP】[Elemental Guardian] 巻きつき/Entangle (red) [GAP0…
【JP】[Elemental Guardian] 巻きつき/Entangle (blue) [GAP…
【JP】[Elemental Guardian] 氷河の軌跡/Glacial Footsteps (…
【JP】[Elemental Guardian] 肥沃化/Mulch (red) [GAP016-C…
【JP】[Elemental Guardian] 肥沃化/Mulch (blue) [GAP017-…
【JP】[Elemental Guardian] 埋雪/Snow Under (blue) [GAP…
【JP】[Elemental Guardian] 雪崩の襲来/Emerging Avalanche …
【JP】[Elemental Guardian] 巨木の力/Strength of Sequoia …
【JP】[Earth Ice] アイゼンロフトの脈動/Pulse of Isenloft [GAP0…
【JP】[Earth] 種子の王冠/Crown of Seeds [GAP022-L]
【JP】[Earth] 織りなす大地/Weave Earth (red) [GAP023-R]
【JP】[Earth] 織りなす大地/Weave Earth (blue) [GAP024-R]
【JP】[Earth] 地表の粉砕/Break Ground (red) [GAP025-C]
【JP】[Earth] 地表の粉砕/Break Ground (blue) [GAP026-C]
【JP】[Earth] 大地の波動/Earthlore Surge (red) [GAP027-C]
【JP】[Earth] 大地の波動/Earthlore Surge (blue) [GAP028-C…
【JP】[Earth] 大地のアミュレット/Amulet of Earth (blue) [GAP0…
【JP】[Ice] コロネットピーク/Coronet Peak [GAP030-L]
【JP】[Ice] 氷の精神/Heart of Ice [GAP031-L]
【JP】[Ice] 氷河の角/Glacial Horns [GAP032-C]
【JP】[Ice] 氷霜のコート/Coat of Frost [GAP033-C]
【JP】[Ice] 寒冷湖の導き/Channel Lake Frigid [GAP034-M]
【JP】[Ice] 荒涼とした風景の導き/Channel the Bleak Expanse [GA…
【JP】[Ice] 低体温証/Hypothermia [GAP036-M]
【JP】[Ice] 狡猾な冷気/Insidious Chill [GAP037-M]
【JP】[Ice] 北風/Northern Winds [GAP038-M]
【JP】[Ice] 吹雪/Blizzard [GAP039-M]
【JP】[Ice] 氷牙/Frost Fang (red) [GAP040-R]
【JP】[Ice] 氷牙/Frost Fang (blue) [GAP041-R]
【JP】[Ice] 氷震/Ice Quake (red) [GAP042-R]
【JP】[Ice] 氷震/Ice Quake (blue) [GAP043-R]
【JP】[Ice] アイゼンハウルの風向計/Isenhowl Weathervane (red) […
【JP】[Ice] アイゼンハウルの風向計/Isenhowl Weathervane (blue) …
【JP】[Ice] 織りなす氷/Weave Ice (red) [GAP046-R]
【JP】[Ice] 織りなす氷/Weave Ice (blue) [GAP047-R]
【JP】[Ice] 氷上の交差/Icy Encounter (blue) [GAP048-C]
【JP】[Ice] 冬の到来/Winter's Grasp (red) [GAP049-C]
【JP】[Ice] 極寒の幽閉/Arctic Incarceration (red) [GAP050…
【JP】[Ice] 寒風刺骨/Chill to the Bone (red) [GAP051-C]
【JP】[Ice] 寒波/Cold Snap (blue) [GAP052-C]
【JP】[Ice] 冬の凍牙/Winter's Bite (red) [GAP053-C]
【JP】[Ice] 冬の凍牙/Winter's Bite (yellow) [GAP054-C]
【JP】[Elemental] 大地の化身/Embodiment of Earth [GAP055-…
【JP】[Elemental] 凍傷/Frostbite [GAP056-C]
【JP】[Guardian] 華麗な演出、ブラーボ/Bravo, Showstopper [GAP0…
【JP】[Guardian] ブラーボ/Bravo [GAP058-C]