【JP】[Wizard] エーテル織込の攪拌杖/Crucible of Aetherweave [R…
【JP】[Wizard] 激流するエーテル波/Surgent Aethertide [RAP052-…
【JP】[Wizard] 欠けゆく月/Waning Moon [RAP053-C]
【JP】[Wizard] 満天の星群/Alluvion Constellas [RAP054-L]
【JP】[Wizard] 嵐の闊歩者/Storm Striders [RAP055-L]
【JP】[Wizard] 手骨の結束部/Metacarpus Node [RAP056-M]
【JP】[Wizard] 魔炎の外套/Spellfire Cloak [RAP057-C]
【JP】[Wizard] エーテルの猛火/Aether Wildfire [RAP058-M]
【JP】[Wizard] 燃え盛るエーテル/Blazing Aether [RAP059-M]
【JP】[Wizard] 歴史の俯瞰/Gaze the Ages [RAP060-M]
【JP】[Wizard] 溶岩の教え/Lesson in Lava [RAP061-M]
【JP】[Wizard] 精神の歪曲/Mind Warp [RAP062-M]
【JP】[Wizard] 一掃/Scour [RAP063-M]
【JP】[Wizard] ソニックブーム/Sonic Boom [RAP064-M]
【JP】[Wizard] 吉報/Swell Tidings [RAP065-M]
【JP】[Wizard] エーテルウィンドの秘本/Tome of Aetherwind [RAP06…
【JP】[Wizard] エーテルの糸紡ぎ/Aether Spindle (red) [RAP067…
【JP】[Wizard] エーテルの糸紡ぎ/Aether Spindle (blue) [RAP06…
【JP】[Wizard] 燃え殻の予見/Cindering Foresight (red) [RAP…
【JP】[Wizard] 名誉教授の叱責/Emeritus Scolding (red) [RAP0…
【JP】[Wizard] 名誉教授の叱責/Emeritus Scolding (blue) [RAP…
【JP】[Wizard] 攪拌するエーテルウィンド/Stir the Aetherwinds (re…
【JP】[Wizard] エーテルの投げ矢/Aether Dart (blue) [RAP073-C…
【JP】[Wizard] エーテルの閃火/Aether Flare (red) [RAP074-C]
【JP】[Wizard] エーテルの閃火/Aether Flare (yellow) [RAP075…
【JP】[Wizard] エーテルの閃火/Aether Flare (blue) [RAP076-C…
【JP】[Wizard] 予期/Prognosticate (blue) [RAP077-C]
【JP】[Wizard] 反響/Reverberate (blue) [RAP078-C]
【JP】[Wizard] 吸収/Sap (blue) [RAP079-C]
【JP】[Wizard] 急反射/Snapback (red) [RAP080-C]
【JP】[Wizard] 急反射/Snapback (blue) [RAP081-C]
【JP】[Wizard] 紫電一閃/Voltic Bolt (red) [RAP082-C]
【JP】[Wizard] 紫電一閃/Voltic Bolt (blue) [RAP083-C]
【JP】[Elemental Runeblade] 揺らめく燐火/Flicker Wisp (yel…
【JP】[Elemental Runeblade] 稲妻の儀礼/Rites of Lightning…
【JP】[Elemental Runeblade] 秘魔術の衝撃波/Arcanic Shockwav…
【JP】[Elemental Runeblade] 再生の儀式/Rites of Replenish…
【JP】[Elemental Runeblade] 再生の儀式/Rites of Replenish…
【JP】[Elemental Runeblade] 原生林の動乱/Stir the Wildwood…
【JP】[Elemental Runeblade] 綺羅星の煌めき/Vela Flash (red)…
【JP】[Elemental Runeblade] 茨の煌めき/Bramble Spark (red…
【JP】[Elemental] 稲妻纏い/Entwine Lightning (red) [RAP0…
【JP】[Earth] 繁茂の羽根飾り/Plume of Evergrowth [RAP093-C]
【JP】[Earth] 英雄山の導き/Channel Mount Heroic [RAP094-M]
【JP】[Earth] 収穫の秘本/Tome of Harvests [RAP095-M]
【JP】[Earth] 常緑/Evergreen (red) [RAP096-R]
【JP】[Earth] 常緑/Evergreen (blue) [RAP097-R]
【JP】[Earth] 夏木立の避難所/Summerwood Shelter (red) [RAP0…
【JP】[Earth] 未来への播種/Sow Tomorrow (red) [RAP099-C]
【JP】[Earth] 未来への播種/Sow Tomorrow (yellow) [RAP100-C…
【JP】[Earth] 未来への播種/Sow Tomorrow (blue) [RAP101-C]
【JP】[Lightning] 雷平原の導き/Channel Thunder Steppe [RAP…
【JP】[Lightning] 瞬き/Blink [RAP103-M]
【JP】[Lightning] 織りなす稲妻/Weave Lightning (red) [RAP1…
【JP】[Lightning] 稲妻の圧壊/Lightning Press (red) [RAP10…
【JP】[Lightning] 通電/Electrify (red) [RAP106-C]
【JP】[Generic] 天命の王冠/Crown of Providence [RAP107-L]
【JP】[Generic] 秘術のランタン/Arcane Lantern [RAP108-R]
【JP】[Generic] 精美な鉄扇/Ornate Tessen [RAP109-R]
【JP】[Generic] 放浪者の帽子/Ragamuffin's Hat [RAP110-C]