【JP】[Generic] フィエンダルの春のチュニック/Fyendal's Spring Tuni…
【JP】[Generic] 決意の腕当て/Vambrace of Determination [MA…
【JP】[Generic] 勇気の交差紐/Heartened Cross Strap [MAP110…
【JP】[Generic] 金魚草の登攀者/Snapdragon Scalers [MAP111-C…
【JP】[Generic] 啓示の一撃/Enlightened Strike [MAP112-M]
【JP】[Generic] 顔面消去/Erase Face [MAP113-M]
【JP】[Generic] それで終わりか?/That All You Got? [MAP114-M…
【JP】[Generic] 俺の奢り/This Round's on Me [MAP115-M]
【JP】[Generic] 戦の技法/Art of War [MAP116-M]
【JP】[Generic] 引っかけ/Snag [MAP117-M]
【JP】[Generic] 争い探し/Looking for a Scrap (red) [MAP1…
【JP】[Generic] 群青へ沈む/Sink Below (red) [MAP119-R]
【JP】[Generic] 残響のアミュレット/Amulet of Echoes (blue) [M…
【JP】[Generic] エネルギー・ポーション/Energy Potion (blue) [MA…
【JP】[Generic] 時駆けのポーション/Timesnap Potion (blue) [MA…
【JP】[Generic] 戦友の絆/Brothers in Arms (blue) [MAP123…
【JP】[Generic] 空歩きの修練者/Flock of the Feather Walkers…
【JP】[Generic] 殴打/Pummel (red) [MAP125-C]
【JP】[Generic] 刃閃の反射/Razor Reflex (red) [MAP126-C]
【JP】[Generic] 熟考/Ponder [MAP127-C]
【JP】[Generic] 加速/Quicken [MAP128-C]